Hex map maker
Hex map maker

hex map maker

If you go back to the Terrains tab and Hex tab an the Hex tab you will see that this picture can now be used as a custom terrains and icon. Open the Resource window with this button top right. If will only work if you are the first one to claim it of course so don't get your hopes up. Nice beach right? You found the secret spot in the tutorial! You win a life-long premium membership : Send me an email to playest11 at gmail dot com to claim your price. You can use it if you want to show some of your map to your players but not all of it. The picture icon save the current map as a image on your computer but it might take a while to generate the image. Click on the lobing arrow on the red hex at the bottom of the text box to go to part 2 of this tutorial.

hex map maker

You may have to click multiples times to delete all the rivers. To remove river use the following tool and click on the river you want to remove. Do not try to draw a river by keeping the mouse button pressed. A blue dot will mark the beginning of your river. Click on the red square at the bottom of this text block.


Ask quetions about the software in this reddit postI visit it quite often. You can share a map live with your players by enabling the collaborative mode with or without fog of war. It uses the best of HTML5 to let you make beautiful hexagonal maps.

hex map maker

Hextml is an online hex map maker, world building tool, campaign manager and virtual tabletop software for your RPG. If you added a background image to the map in the "resource" tab you can change the opacity of the tile and move the background.

Hex map maker